Eco Resort

Eco Resort Villa San Sebastian Curaçao
We welcome you in an environment where greenery and luxury coincide. Enjoy refreshing hospitality and be inspired by our enthusiasm for sustainable travel. You will leave in high spirits, and muse about your next visit. On this page we explain what we do about waste separation and sustainability.

Waste separation and recyclingIn our recycling centre, various waste materials are collected separately, namely:
  • paper/cardboard (paper/cardboard bin, recycling centre, landfill, Mal Pais)
  • glass (glass container recycling center landfill Mal Pais))
  • plastic bottles and aluminium tin packaging (Green Phenix employment project)*
  • pruning waste (Landfill Mal Pais)
  • residual waste (waste processing company Selikor)

*Green Phenix employs people with intellectual disabilities and makes all kinds of utensils from the collected plastic bottles with the help of 3D printers. The aluminum tin packaging is compressed and sold, the money is used for the employment project.
At the moment we are orienting ourselves on composting organic waste.

Infinity pool maintenanceThe water that flows over the edge of the infinity pool during swimming ends up in the gutter. This is connected to the swimming water tank next to the pool. This water is pumped back into the pool through the filter on a daily basis. Because an average of about 300 to 400 liters of water evaporate per day, this is supplemented with water from the deep well. The water is pumped from the deep well to the bathing water tank. If the deep well does not supply enough water, which happens in the dry season, we use our rainwater tank under the villa. All the rainwater that ends up on the roof of the villa goes into that tank and after the rainy season it is usually overflowing with 80 cubic meters of water.
To refill the pool, we hardly use the water supply water. The swimming water is kept clean with a minimum of chlorine and other chemicals so that no bacteria or algae can be formed. This is tested daily and replenished if necessary, so that we can keep the quantities to a minimum.

Outdoor showerThe outdoor shower is located at the pool so that guests can always enter the water fresh. Less (beach) sand, creams and sunscreens in the swimming water means fewer chemicals needed to clean it. The water from this shower ends up with the plants.

Energy and coolingA large part of our energy needs are generated by 24 solar panels that store all the energy that is not used during the day in 6 batteries. After sunset, we then use the stored electricity.Cooling of the studios can be done in 2 ways, with the help of the ridge fans that ensure a continuous airflow throughout the building. Together with the shutters in doors and windows and the ceiling fans, it remains pleasant in the studios. If you prefer a little more coolness, you can choose to use our air conditioning. The shutters are then closed so that the cool air conditioning does not go out immediately.On our grounds, in the studios and in our house, almost only LED lamps are used.

Irrigation systemDuring the dry season, we water the plants from the rainwater cistern so that the garden looks beautiful all year round! The pump for the irrigation system turns on automatically 2x a day for a total of three quarters of an hour.

Solar water heaterOn the roof of the studios there is a cupboard with hoses and two boiler tanks filled with water. The sun heats the water in these hoses and ensures that our guests have hot water in their studio.

Greywater and black waterNext to the villa is our banana forest, a bed with several banana trees and a large "small gourd tree". They are mainly fed with the (grey) water from the kitchens and showers of the studios and of our house.The black water, from the toilets, goes to the cesspit which is emptied every 2 to 3 years and brought by the sewer service to the wastewater treatment plant where it is recycled. This way, this water does not end up in the sea. We ask the guests to help us by not throwing paper in the toilets but in a garbage can provided for this purpose. This waste is then disposed of as residual waste.

Laundry dryingVilla San Sebastian Curaçao regularly has a lot of laundry to take care of. For this we use the drying lines next to the villa. Even in the rainy season it is often dry and the laundry is dried wonderfully by the wind and the sun. Guests can also use our washing machines and drying lines (for a fee).
In each studio there is a large shopping bag so that our guests do not have to ask for plastic bags in the supermarket.

Items left behindItems left behind Guests regularly leave items such as shampoos, sunscreen, soap bottles, packaged razor blades, etc. In principle, we do not throw them away but donate them to residents of Curaçao who have little to spend.